Albertine retrouvée

Join us for a Proustian evening in the delightful company of Antoine Compagnon, professor at the College de France and Columbia University. His last bestselling book, Un été avec Proust (edition de l’Equateur 2014) will be presented.

This event is free and open to the public. In English.

Antoine Compagnon, Docteur ès lettres (1985), is the Blanche W. Knopf Professor of French and Comparative Literature. He studies literary representations in three main areas: Renaissance, late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, theory of literature and history of criticism. He focused on Montaigne’s Essais in La Seconde Main (1979), Nous, Michel de Montaigne (1980), Chat en poche: Montaigne et l’allégorie (1993). On Proust, after editing Du côté de chez Swann (1988) and Sodome et Gomorrhe (1988), he published Proust entre deux siècles (1989; English translation, 1992). He also edited Baudelaire’s Fleurs du mal (1993), and analyzed modernity and the avant-garde in Les Cinq Paradoxes de la modernité (1990; English translation, 1994). He presented a cultural history of the Dreyfus Affair in Connaissez vous Brunetière? Enquête sur un antidreyfusard et ses amis (1997). To critical theory, he devoted La Troisième République des lettres (1983) and Le Démon de la théorie (1998). His book Les Antimodernes, de Joseph de Maistre à Roland Barthes (2005) was awarded the Prix de la critique by l’Académie française. His other books include La Classe de rhéto (2012), La Littérature pour quoi faire ? (2007), and Un été avec Montaigne (2013). Antoine Compagnon is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.