Letters From The Animals To The People Who Think They're Just Beasts | Lettres des animaux à ceux qui les prennent pour des bêtes
We share this planet with millions of animals, and sometimes we forget that they have lives, too. This book gives animated voices to many of them so that they can plead their case for rights to live alongside us. A collection of short comice stories told from the perspective of different animals whose lives are impacted by human society.
Lettres des animaux à ceux qui les prennent pour des bêtes, Glenat, 2021
Letters From The Animals To The People Who Think They’re Just Beasts, Magnetic Press, 2021
- PUBLISHER : glenat
- LANGUAGE : English; French
- TRANSLATOR : US Publisher
- PUBLISHER : glenat
- LANGUAGE : English; French
- TRANSLATOR : US Publisher
Letters From The Animals To The People Who Think They're Just Beasts | Lettres des animaux à ceux qui les prennent pour des bêtes
We share this planet with millions of animals, and sometimes we forget that they have lives, too. This book gives animated voices to many of them so that they can plead their case for rights to live alongside us. A collection of short comice stories told from the perspective of different animals whose lives are impacted by human society.
Lettres des animaux à ceux qui les prennent pour des bêtes, Glenat, 2021
Letters From The Animals To The People Who Think They're Just Beasts, Magnetic Press, 2021- PUBLISHER : glenat
- LANGUAGE : English; French
- TRANSLATOR : US Publisher