What is citizenship? An Event Series for Kids by Moshi

MOSHI is a witty mustache which sticks on children’s face to teach them how to philosophize and express their ideas in artistic ways.
Every MOSHI workshop is unique but are based on 2 pillars : philosophy and arts. Indeed, philosophy is a tool to develop children’s creativity.

On Sunday April 30th, Children will discuss what is citizenship, through games and express their ideas by drawing a new city !

For kids ages 5 and up. Workshop will be conducted in English and French.

Moshi is a nonprofit corporation based in Paris, NYC, Boston. Since its lauching in July 2015, more than 2500 children and their parents have enjoyed philosophizing and creating artworks in different settings such as public events (Paris Plages, Figment Art Festival), museums, public gardens, public libraries, schools, bookstores, hospitals, birthday parties.
Contact and information: www.moshi-philo.org