Authors Bookshelves
Authors Bookshelves
Miriam Bridenne | April 2, 2024
We discovered French novelist Célia Houdart in 2022, when she published “Journée particulière”. This gracious, tender, suffused with a contained nostalgia was our introduction to her work which explores a great variety of crafts and words. We were curious to discover which authors and books Célia Houdart holds in high esteem, and she was generous enough to share with us…
We discovered French novelist Célia Houdart in 2022, when she published “Journée particulière”. This gracious, tender, suffused with a contained nostalgia was our introduction to her work which explores a great variety of crafts and words. We were curious to discover which authors and books Célia Houdart holds in high…
We discovered French novelist Célia Houdart in 2022, when she published “Journée particulière”. This gracious, tender, suffused with a contained…
Miriam Bridenne | June 3, 2020
In a country that cherishes literary quarrels as much as France, a novel unanimously praised by the literary press from Le Figaro Littéraire, to Libération, including Télérama, Le Monde, and Les Inrocks is quite a rare thing. Leurs enfants après eux (Actes Sud) Nicolas Mathieu's second novel, counts among these happy few.
In a country that cherishes literary quarrels as much as France, a novel unanimously praised by the literary press from Le Figaro Littéraire, to Libération, including Télérama, Le Monde, and Les Inrocks is quite a rare thing. Leurs enfants après eux (Actes Sud) Nicolas Mathieu's second novel, counts among these…
In a country that cherishes literary quarrels as much as France, a novel unanimously praised by the literary press from…
Miriam Bridenne | July 12, 2019
Because of their unique perspectives on books, and their ability to see straight off what makes one unique and valuable, writers are often the best people to ask for a good recommendation. Violaine Huisman, author of the beautiful debut novel Fugitive parce que reine and of the forthcoming Rose Désert (Gallimard, August 2019), is no exception to the rule.
Because of their unique perspectives on books, and their ability to see straight off what makes one unique and valuable, writers are often the best people to ask for a good recommendation. Violaine Huisman, author of the beautiful debut novel Fugitive parce que reine and of the forthcoming Rose Désert…
Because of their unique perspectives on books, and their ability to see straight off what makes one unique and valuable,…
Miriam Bridenne | July 1, 2019
As always, when we discover new literary talents, we wonder what the books are that have nurtured them, that they find themselves going back to again and again. So, we asked Négar Djavadi to introduce the books that have mattered the most to her to our readers, and here’s her answer:
As always, when we discover new literary talents, we wonder what the books are that have nurtured them, that they find themselves going back to again and again. So, we asked Négar Djavadi to introduce the books that have mattered the most to her to our readers, and here’s her…
As always, when we discover new literary talents, we wonder what the books are that have nurtured them, that they…
Miriam Bridenne | June 30, 2019
Literary critics around the world frequently wonder who the Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre of today are, Laurent Gaude’s sharp insights, powerful prose and humanist values designate him as the best candidate.
Literary critics around the world frequently wonder who the Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre of today are, Laurent Gaude’s sharp insights, powerful prose and humanist values designate him as the best candidate.
Literary critics around the world frequently wonder who the Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre of today are, Laurent Gaude’s sharp…
Miriam Bridenne | April 10, 2019
This winter, Sarah Chiche published her magisterial third novel, Les Enténèbres (Seuil), a book that has mesmerized and deeply moved all of us here at Albertine. As we wanted to hear more about her favorite writers, we asked her to recommend 6 books for our readers. Here's her answer!
This winter, Sarah Chiche published her magisterial third novel, Les Enténèbres (Seuil), a book that has mesmerized and deeply moved all of us here at Albertine. As we wanted to hear more about her favorite writers, we asked her to recommend 6 books for our readers. Here's her answer!
This winter, Sarah Chiche published her magisterial third novel, Les Enténèbres (Seuil), a book that has mesmerized and deeply moved…
Albertine Team | January 9, 2019
It took just one novel for this young, smart, and already accomplished novelist to climb up the book charts with Là où les chiens aboient par la queue (Éditions Liana Levi). Read on below to see what books this talented author has on her own shelves.
It took just one novel for this young, smart, and already accomplished novelist to climb up the book charts with Là où les chiens aboient par la queue (Éditions Liana Levi). Read on below to see what books this talented author has on her own shelves.
It took just one novel for this young, smart, and already accomplished novelist to climb up the book charts with…
Miriam Bridenne | October 24, 2018
When we asked Julia Kerninon to recommend six books to our readers, she very graciously accepted. Please enjoy her list!
When we asked Julia Kerninon to recommend six books to our readers, she very graciously accepted. Please enjoy her list!
When we asked Julia Kerninon to recommend six books to our readers, she very graciously accepted. Please enjoy her list!
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