The Albertine Book Club Reads Sister Deborah by Scholastique Mukasonga

In February, the Albertine Book Club will discuss Scholastique Mukasonga’s Sister Deborak, translated from the French by Mark Polizzotti, and published by Archipelago Books.
“In sentences of great beauty and restraint, Mukasonga rescues a million souls from the collective noun ‘genocide,’ returning them to us as individual human beings.” — Zadie Smith
A beautiful novel that works in the slippages of history, Sister Deborah at its core is a story of what happens when women—black women and girls—seek the truth by any means.
Moderated by the Albertine staff, the Albertine book club is open to Albertine members only. Albertine members are free to speak in English or in French, but a strong command of the French language is recommended to attend. For more information on how to become an Albertine member, click here.
Credit image: Catherine Helie for Gallimard.