Describing Language and Telling Stories: Adèle Rosenfeld, Jeffrey Zuckerman & Hilary Leichter

On Monday, September 30 at 6pm, join French novelist Adèle Rosenfeld, acclaimed translator Jeffrey Zuckerman and bestelling author Hilary Leichter as they discuss Rosenfeld’s debut novel, Jellyfish Have No Ears, just published by Graywolf Press and translated by Zuckerman.
Jellyfish Have No Ears is a deeply moving debut novel about the flaws of language, the fear of silence, and the power of imagination. Hearing, for Louise, is inseparable from reading other people’s lips. Through sight, she perceives words and strings them together like pearls to reconstruct a conversation. But when the string breaks, misunderstandings result and eccentric images fill her thoughts. As she weighs the prospect of surgery, fabulous characters begin to accompany her: a damaged soldier from the First World War, an irritable dog named Cirrus, and a whimsical botanist. This ethereal world, full of terror and beauty and off-kilter humor, keeps erupting into the equally chaotic reality of Louise’s life.
The conversation will take place in English, ASL interpretation will be provided by SignNexus. This event is free with RSVP. Click here for tickets.
Adèle Rosenfeld lives in Paris where she runs writing workshops. Jellyfish Have No Ears was a finalist for the 2023 Prix Goncourt for a first novel. Credit image for Adèle Rosenfeld‘s picture: JF Paga.
Jeffrey Zuckerman is an award-winning translator of French writers, including Jean Genet, Hervé Guibert, and Ananda Devi. He lives in New York. Credit image for Jeffrey Zuckerman’s picture: Julia Sanchez.
Hilary Leichter is the author of the novels Temporary and Terrace Story. She has been a finalist for The Center for Fiction First Novel Prize, the New York Public Library Young Lions Fiction Prize, and her work in Harper’s Magazine won the 2021 National Magazine Award in Fiction. Terrace Story has been named a best book of 2023 by Time Magazine, The New Yorker, The LA Times, Publishers Weekly, and other publications. Hilary teaches at Columbia University and lives in Brooklyn, NY. Credit image for Hilary Leichter’s picture: Sylvie Rosokoff