Helen Scott, François Truffaut’s American Friend

Join President of Unifrance and former Director of La Cinémathèque Française, Serge Toubiana, as he discusses L’Amie Américaine (éditions Stock), a moving portrait of Helen Scott, with Annette Insdorf, Columbia University Film Professor and author of books including François Truffaut and Cinematic Overtures: How to Read Opening Scenes.
A legendary figure for film buffs on both sides of the Atlantic, Helen Scott was mostly known for her passionate work and friendship with François Truffaut. Toubiana and Insdorf will reflect on her fascinating and mysterious life.
A book-signing with the author will follow the talk.
The event, co-organized with the Film Society and Unifrance, is free with RSVP.
Annette Insdorf is the author of Francois Truffaut, Indelible Shadows: Film and Holocaust, Philip Kaufman, Intimations: The Cinema of Wojciech Has, and Cinematic Overtures: How to Read Opening Scenes. She is a Professor in the Graduate Film Program of Columbia’s School of the Arts, and served as Director of Undergraduate Film Studies for 27 years. She is the recipient of the 2008 Award for Excellence in Teaching from Columbia’s School of General Studies.
Serge Toubiana is the President of Unifrance and former Director of La Cinemathèque Française. He is the co-author a biography on François Truffaut with Antoine de Baecque. He wrote books on Amos Gitai, Maurice Pialat, and John Huston’s The Misfits. He is also the author of two memoirs: Les fantômes du souvenir (Grasset) and Les Bouées jaunes (Stock). In 2021, he cowrote with Nathalie Azoulai Ozu et nous (Arlea) and his new book Le Fils de la Maitresse (Arlea) will be published in France on March 3rd.