French Story Hour: Les Enquêtes d’Hermès
Join children’s book author Richard Normandon for a reading of his latest book, Les enquêtes d’Hermès 2 – L’affaire Méduse (Gallimard, 2018).
Who dared to enter Mount Olympus and steal Pegasus, Zeus’ winged horse? The fabulous animal has disappeared, and all of the palace horses were changed into statues. For Hermès, the young god detective, only one creature could have committed such a sacrilege: the terrifying Medusa, whose looks can turn you into stone. To find Pegasus, Hermès and his loyal Eros will have to penetrate the secrets of the snake-haired monster.
Richard Normandon was born in 1974 in the center of France. He teaches literature in New York City. He gathers his two passions, mythology and thriller, in La Conspiration des dieux, his first series of books, published by Folio Junior. In Les enquêtes d’Hermès, he creates the character of a god investigator, touching and smart.