Remembering Raymond Roussel

Join us as we celebrate the launch of the Raymond Roussel Society in New York City with Yves-Alain Bois, Mary Ann Caws, Joan Bofill, and Sozita Goudouna will discuss one of the most influential and unknown writers of the 20th Century.
In English. Free and open to the public. No RSVP necessary.
Mary Ann Caws is a distinguished professor of English, French, and Comparative Literature of CUNY, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, recipient of Guggenheim, Fulbright, National Endowment for the Humanities, Getty, and Rockefeller (Bellagio) Fellowships. She is a former president of the Modern Language Association, the American Comparative Literature Association, the Association for the Study of Dada and Surrealism, the Academy of Literary Studies. Past appointments at Hunter College, CUNY, Sarah Lawrence College, Princeton University, School of Visual Arts, the University of Paris, Jussieu, the School of Literary Criticism.
Her publications include The Eye in the Text; Reading Frames in Modern Fiction; The Inner Theatre of Recent French Poetry; Women of Bloomsbury: Virginia, Vanessa, and Carrington; The Surrealist Look: An Erotics of Encounter; Picasso’s Weeping Woman: The Life and Art of Dora Maar; Robert Motherwell with Pen and Brush; To the Boathouse: A Memoir; Surprised in Translation; and Provençal Cooking: Savoring the Simple Life in France. She is also the author of studies of André Breton; Yves Bonnefoy; and illustrated biographies of Virginia Woolf, Marcel Proust, Henry James, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali. She has edited the following anthologies: The Harper Collins World Reader; Textual Analysis; The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry, Surrealism; The Surrealist Painters and Poets; Surrealist Love Poetry. She has translated Tristan Tzara: Approximate Man and Other Writings; André Breton: Mad Love; Jacques Derrida and Paule Thévenin: The Secret Art of Antonin Artaud; and Louis-René des Forêts: Ostinato. She is the co-translator and editor of Selected Poems and Prose of Stéphane Mallarmé; Mallarmé in Prose; The Essential Poems and Texts of Robert Desnos. She lives in New York with her husband, Dr. Boyce Bennett.
A specialist in twentieth-century European and American art, Yves-Alain Bois is recognized as an expert on a wide range of artists, from Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso to Piet Mondrian, Barnett Newman, and Ellsworth Kelly. He has curated and co-curated a number of influential exhibitions, including Piet Mondrian, A Retrospective (1994); L’Informe, mode d’emploi (1996); Matisse and Picasso: A Gentle Rivalry (1999); and Picasso Harlequin 1917–1937 (2008). His books include Ellsworth Kelly: Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, Reliefs, and Sculpture: Vol. 1, 1940–1953 (2015); Matisse in the Barnes Foundation (2015); Art Since 1900 (with Benjamin Buchloh, Hal Foster, and Rosalind Krauss, 2004); Matisse and Picasso (1998); Formless: A User’s Guide (with Rosalind Krauss, 1997); and Painting as Model (1990). Bois is currently working on several long-term projects, foremost among them the catalogue raisonné of Ellsworth Kelly’s paintings and sculptures, the second volume (out of five) of which he plans to finish this year.