Virtual Albertine Book Club on La Peste by Albert Camus

Join us for a lively Zoom conversation on La Peste (The Plague) by Albert Camus, translated from French by Stuart Gilbert (Vintage).
The discussion will be moderated by Albertine Director Sandrine Butteau and Deputy Cultural Counsellor Hervé Ferrage. Albertine Members will receive the Zoom link via email on the day of the book club.
“[Camus] believed that the actual historical incidents we call plagues are merely concentrations of a universal precondition, dramatic instances of a perpetual rule: that all human beings are vulnerable to being randomly exterminated at any time, by a virus, an accident or the actions of our fellow man . . . He speaks to us in our own times not because he was a magical seer who could intimate what the best epidemiologists could not, but because he correctly sized up human nature.”
—Alain de Botton, “Camus on the Coronavirus” in The New York Times.
View the full Winter/Spring 2020 Albertine Book Club calendar here.
The Albertine Book Club is free and open to Albertine Constellation members. Speakers of French and English are both welcome. For more information on how to become an Albertine member, click here.