4 Children’s Books To Take You on Beautiful Journeys!

Summer travels might be over, but that won’t keep us from dreaming about other horizons. We’ve selected 4 stories that will fill your imaginary escapes with colors and incredible adventures. Ready to embark?
Reading List
For kids ages 3 and up
To persuade her seven little mousekins to go to school, Mummy Mouse has a great idea: she invents a railroad that runs under a tunnel. Every morning, she gets on the tracks and acts as the locomotive. Her seven children and all her friends cling to her like wagons.
A perfect story for bedtime reading, with beautifully crafted drawings!
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For kids ages 4 and up
Ah, traveling…
Plunging into the unknown, wandering down foreign alleys, tasting exotic foods, feeling out of place. But what if there was more than only one way to travel? Pénélope and Philéas embark on a round-the-world adventure where, beyond their friendship, they will confront their ideas.
A tender story that opens horizons.
Click here to purchase that book with us!
For kids ages 4 and up
Bridges are high. Or low, or long, or short, straight, and even curved! Some blend in with nature, while others stand out proudly! They all tell us a story: they’re a reminder of our past, a testament to the talent for ingenuity or a vision of our future. But most of all, bridges connect us to new places, new cultures and new people!
A book that invites you to travel, with beautiful illustrations!
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For kids ages 5 and up
Watch out for departure! A little girl boards a train, and her journey becomes a real odyssey. There’s so much to do and discover on a train. But is it the destination that counts, or the journey itself?
A book that encourages you to rediscover trains and travel.
Click here to purchase this book with us.
For kids ages 5 and up
Who’s Jules? He’s a Zerte. He lives on an island. He has a friend, Diouc. Enemies, like the Martabaff, who knocks down everything he finds. And Jules also hasFortunately, he and Roméotte eventually will find true love…
The perfect book for developing the imagination while having fun!
Click here to purchase this book with us.