Learn How to Read the Fun Way!
To help children reinforce their fundamental skills in these challenging times, we’ve selected some books that provide playful methods for children of all levels to practice their reading.
Reading List
For kids ages 3-5
This collection of books is designed to be read aloud by a child and an adult, where the latter reads the text and the former names the illustrated words. It allows the child to structure their language, learn how to read, and understand their own emotions with familiar themes.
Take a look at these little stories that will get your child talking!
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For kids ages 5 and up
These short stories are specially designed for children learning how to read. The text is written in large font, words are spaced far apart, and lines are widely separated. Written in words that are suited for their level of progress, these easy-to-read stories are adapted so that the child can remain motivated and build confidence.
In addition to the stories, the book also contains tools to help you support your child as they start reading for the first time. It includes a presentation of the characters as well as activities to prepare for reading. At the end, there’s even a section called “Did you understand the story?” to help give meaning to what the child has read and a rubric called “And what do you think?” with short questions to help them reflect or simply discuss the story.
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Cocorico, je sais lire! is a series of books that includes methods for learning how to read, a basic handwriting notebook for 3-year-olds, and a more advanced handwriting notebook to help 5-year-olds learn how to write cursive letters and numbers. Short reading books round out this collection so your child can practice reading the adventures of their new favorite heroes and heroines all by themselves.
The writing books plunge the child into the joyful universe of P’tites Poules, using illustrations of the famous literary hens as well as words that were learned in the reading method book.
On each page, the child will find a model (also adapted for those who are left-handed) that they can use to trace letters with a finger. Three progressive activities help the child learn cursive for each letter: graphic tracing, writing each letter on three ruled lines and grid paper, and lastly, writing full words.
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This book offers a simple and progressive approach to help your child acquire all the sounds of the French language step by step. Each page is devoted to one sound and presents an exercise for recognizing it, identifying its graphic symbol, and reading it.
Revision pages allow for systematic verification that the letters, syllables, and words of the preceding lessons have been properly learned–with different presentation methods indicating the proper pronunciation of sounds.
At the end of the book, pages address the most common visual and auditory phonetic confusions (p-b-, f-v, ou-on…) to help those children encountering small pronunciation difficulties.
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