Graphic Novels Nominated for Angoulême Comics Festival Prizes

The 47th Angoulême International Comics Festival will start on January 30! Though it might not be the Oscars, we’d like to know who your favorites are this year. Discover ours below and let’s keep our fingers crossed until February 2!
Reading List
Chloé Wary shares with us her beautiful take on feminism and football through the story of Barbara, a young girl with a passion for soccer. This year, the soccer club has decided to favor the men’s team over the women’s. This move results in a significant budget cut for her team, taking away their chance to compete in the championship and leaving them no choice but to enter a decisive fight for their right to play.
Saison des roses, a graphic novel by Chloe Wary, éditions Flblb
What does the future have in store for us? According to Ugo Bienvenu, a rising star in the graphic world, 2056 is likely to be a place free of old movies as these are considered as potentially dangerous for the public, and will be a world where babies are carried by androids. Despite the rigid outlines in which he portrays the rest of the century, Ugo Bienvenu manages to imbue his narrative with a tender and hopeful poetry.
Préférence Système: Ugo Bienvenu, éditions Denoël
Far from writing a traditional travel guide, Julia Wertz has created an invitation to her own iconic New York, which she captures in beautiful detailed drawings of streets and places.
A much more authentic guide than anything else you’ll find on the market!
Les Entrailles de New York, a graphic novel by Julia Wertz, éditions de l’Agrume
This four-handed graphic work was written by Dominique Théate, who joined the Grand Atelier–an art center for disabled persons–after a motorcycle accident. In this debut book, which was created in collaboration with Dominique Goblet, he sketches out the fantastic adventures of the wrestler Hulk Hogan. A powerful collaboration, filled with creativity and hope.
L’Amour dominical, a graphic novel by Dominique Goblet, Dominique Theate, éditions Fremok
This graphic novel tells the unusual story of a hard-working loving father who dies each week, leaving his wife and son by themselves in the country. Although the narrative of this story is unique and surreal, the real value of this book lies in its lively drawings, which give it a sensitive and truly artistic quality.
Papa, Maman, Fiston, a graphic novel by Lucas Méthé, éditions Actes Sud
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