Au printemps des monstres by Philippe Jaenada

If you’re addicted to news stories, or simply want to follow an investigation, Philippe Jaenada is the man for you. Hungry for gory details? Philippe Jaenada delivers for you. Worried about too much gore? Philippe Jaenada’s digressions will take your mind off the strangulation. Looking for twists and turns? Philippe Jaenada will offer you not one, but several investigations. He’ll tell you which one was carried out with journalistic rigor, then explain in minute detail what went wrong and what the police officers missed. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, sometimes breathless and sometimes facetious, these investigations are fascinating, and the mountain of work the author has put in is truly impressive.
Despite the digressions, the dizzying list of people involved in the investigation from near and far, the many twists and turns, and the flash-forwards and flashbacks, Philippe Jaenada never loses us. Jaenada keeps you on your toes by revealing and unlocking truths, and then undoing them 200 pages later.
Au printemps des monstres is a monster indeed, a monster of details and richness, in which we find more than a simple news item: endearing actors, people with human behaviors, in which error and madness sometimes invite themselves.
A delight to read!
Au printemps des monstres by Philippe Jaenada, éd. Points
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