Célèbre by Maud Ventura

“La célébrité est ma vie. Celle que je savais que j’aurais, celle que j’ai fait en sorte d’avoir. Est-ce que j’étais préparée à un tel succès? Bien sûr que oui.”
[Fame is my life. The thing I knew I would have and did everything to have. Was I prepared for this kind of success? Yes, of course.]
We’ve all imagined what our lives might be like if we became famous. A superstar, a politician, a best-selling author, a professional soccer player… And all that glittering life implies. A private chauffeur, a big mansion, the adoration of the public, money, lots of money and therefore happiness, right? What a joy not to worry about the price of a Coke when you’re ordering in front of all your friends, isn’t it?
For most of us, this life is a well-nourished fantasy in our brains, and will never see the light of day. In fact, only 0.0086% of the world’s population is famous. But for those 0.0086%, the dream has become reality. By chance? Thanks to renowned parents? Or hard work, relentless dedication to reach the top.
In Maud Ventura’s second book, Célèbre, we follow a young girl named Cléo Louvent through the process of becoming the world’s biggest pop star of her generation.
You’ll hate Cléo just as much as you’ll want her to realize her dream: to be famous. There’s no need to hope for her or wish her luck – Cleo is convinced of her own success already.How could she not be? Cléo is talented, has a honeyed voice, is interesting, intelligent, gorgeous.. That’s what she says! Among the slobs around her, she’s bound to succeed. Lucidity or extreme self-confidence, you decide!
But the dream often hides a crueler reality, sacrifices, obstacles, annoyances, and adversity… How do you cope with these difficulties? When the curtain falls, will you be ready to take it all?
Maud Ventura brings you Cléo’s crazy story, full of humor and in tune with the times, with very contemporary references that place this story as one that could be revealed on Instagram tomorrow morning. Once you’ve started, all you’ll want to do is find out the fate of this diva and the mishaps that litter her path.
Célèbre by Maud Ventura, l’Iconoclaste.
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