La Septième Fonction du langage

Don’t expect to find anything reminiscent of Binet’s international bestselling debut, Hhhh, in La Septième Fonction du langage. His second novel is an erudite, dense, and messy novel with an abnormal premise: imagine that Roland Barthes wasn’t killed in an accident as is commonly believed, but was actually murdered. What if the linguist had discovered the secret to a limitless power that made him a target for the rich and mighty?
What unfolds is brazen fiction, where hilariously irreverent scenes form a stack of episodes – Foucault at the Turkish baths, Umberto Eco at the café, Mitterrand at a work meeting, Sollers trying to plan orgies –a world revolving around the question central to this glimmering novel: what is the power of language? A brilliant, comic and addictive piece of fiction!
Laurent Binet, La Septième Fonction du langage, Grasset